Tanners Hall, Gloucester: Archaeological Reports

The following archaeological investigations have been carried out in and around Tanners Hall:

Year Investigation Report
1978-80 Excavation within and immediately south of Tanners Hall Heighway 1983
1994 Evaluation of four trenches, two within the development area Vallender 1995
2001 Building Recording Report Pyper 2001
2011 Evaluation of three trenches within the development area Wainwright 2011
(Revised 2017)
2019 Monitoring of geotechnical and geoarchaeological boreholes Forthcoming
2019 Archaeological Monitoring and Excavation of Foundation Trenches Forthcoming


Heighway, C. M. 1983. 'Tanners' Hall, Gloucester' Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 101, 83-109 Available online

Pyper, A., and Vallender, J., 2001. 'Tanners' Hall, Gloucester' Glevensis 34, 59-66 Available online

Stratford, E. 2007. An Archaeological Desk-based Assessment of Tanners Hall Site Gloucester. Gloucester: Gloucestershire County Council 

Vallender, J. 1995. An Archaeological Evaluation at Gloucester Inner Relief Road Stage IB (Tanner's Hall). Gloucester: Gloucestershire County Council 

Vallender, J. 2009. 'Archaeological excavation adjacent to the Tanners' Hall, Gloucester, in 1997 and 1998'. Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society 127, 133-193 Available online

Wainwright, J. 2011. Archaeological Evaluation at Tanners' Hall, Gouda Way, Gloucester. Worcester: Worcestershire Archaeology Available online

Wainwright, J. 2017. Archaeological Evaluation at Tanners' Hall, Gouda Way, Gloucester. Worcester: Worcestershire Archaeology




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